Section: New Results

Security Protocol Verification

The design of cryptographic protocols is error-prone. Without a careful analysis, subtle flaws may be discovered several years after the publication of a protocol, yielding potential harmful attacks. In this context, formal methods have proved their interest for obtaining good security guarantees. Many analysis techniques have been proposed in the literature [70] . We have edited a book  [62] where each chapter presents an important and now standard analysis technique. We develop new techniques for richer primitives, wider classes of protocols and higher security guarantees. In Section 6.4.3 we consider derived testing techniques for verifying protocol implementations.

Voting protocols

Participants : Véronique Cortier, David Galindo-Chacon, Stéphane Glondu, Malika Izabachene, Steve Kremer, Cyrille Wiedling.

Voting is a cornerstone of democracy and many voting systems have been proposed so far, from old paper ballot systems to purely electronic voting schemes. Although many works have been dedicated to standard protocols, very few address the challenging class of voting protocols. We have studied several protocols that are currently in use:

  • Helios is an open-source web-based end-to-end verifiable electronic voting system, used e.g. by UCL and the IACR association in real elections. One main advantage of Helios is its verifiability, up-to the ballot box (a dishonest ballot box may add ballots). We have defined a variant of Helios, named Belenios, that prevents from ballot stuffing, even against a dishonest ballot box. Our approach consists in introducing an additional authorities that provides credentials that the ballot box can verify but not forge. This new version has been implemented by Stéphane Glondu and has been tested in a mock election in the teams Cassis and Caramel.

    We have proved computational security for both ballot secrecy and full verifiability (due to our credentials). Helios, as well as Belenios, makes use of threshold decryption, to ensure that decryption keys are distributed among several authorities, yet allowing decryption even some of the authorities are missing. We have provided a fully distributed (with no dealer) threshold cryptosystem suitable for the Helios voting system (in particular, suitable to partial decryption), and prove it secure under the Decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption [40] . Ballot privacy of Belenios then follows from ballot privacy of Helios. For full verifiability, we had first to adapt existing definitions of verifiability in the case of a corrupted ballot box and then prove verifiability of Helios [60] .

  • The Section 07 of CNRS (now split into Section 06 and Section 07) has proposed a voting protocol for Face-to-Face meetings to enhanced the verifiability of an election run through electronic devices. We have formally modeled this protocol and proved both ballot secrecy and verifiability [32] .

Security based on cryptography relies on the fact that certain operations (such as decrypting) are computationally infeasible. However, e-voting protocols should also guarantee privacy in the future, when computers will have an increased computational power and will be able e.g. to break nowadays keys. Such privacy in the future is called everlasting privacy and we have proposed a definition of practical everlasting privacy [31] . As an illustration, we show that several variants of Helios (including Helios with Pedersen commitments) and a protocol by Moran and Naor achieve practical everlasting privacy, using the ProVerif and the AKiSs tools, which we had to adapt to cope with everlasting privacy.

We have written a popularization science paper on e-voting in Interstices(https://interstices.info/jcms/int_68258/vote-par-internet ).

Other families of protocols

Participants : Véronique Cortier, Steve Kremer, Robert Künnemann, Cyrille Wiedling.

Securing routing Protocols. The goal of routing protocols is to construct valid routes between distant nodes in the network. If no security is used, it is possible for an attacker to disorganize the network by maliciously interacting with the routing protocols, yielding invalid routes to be built. We have proposed a new model and an associated decision procedure to check whether a routing protocol can ensure that honest nodes only accept valid routes, even if one of the nodes of the network is compromised. This result has been obtained for a bounded number of sessions, adapting constraint solving techniques to node topologies as well as some families of recursive tests, used in routing protocols [16] .

Security APIs. In some systems, it is not possible to trust the host machine on which sensitive codes are executed. In that case, security-critical fragments of a program should be executed on some tamper resistant device (TRD), such as a smartcard, USB security token or hardware security module (HSM). The exchanges between the trusted and the untrusted infrastructures are ensured by special kind of API (Application Programming Interface), that are called security APIs. We have designed a generic API for key-management based on key hierarchy [23] , that can self-recover from corruption of arbitrary keys, provided the number of corrupted, active keys is smaller than some threshold. In [50] , we propose a universally composable key management functionality and show how to achieve a secure, distributed implementation on TRDs. We are currently also working on automated verification of security APIs (and more generally protocols that require global mutable state). A tool implementation using the tamarin prover as a backend is currently in progress.

Automated verification of indistinguishability properties.

Participants : Rémy Chrétien, Véronique Cortier, Stéphane Glondu, Steve Kremer.

New emerging classes of protocols such as voting protocols often require to model less classical security properties, such as anonymity properties, strong versions of confidentiality and resistance to offline guessing attacks. Many of these properties can be modelled using the notion of indistinguishability by an adversary, which can be conveniently modeled using process equivalences.

Static case. The YAPA tool [17] can check static equivalence for convergent equational theories. It is proved to terminate for a wide class of equational theories that includes subterm convergent theories (e.g. encryption, signatures, pairing and hash) and layered convergent theories (e.g. blind signatures). The procedure is generic in the sense that it remains sound and complete (but may not terminate) for any convergent theory. It has been implemented in the YAPA tool(http://www.lsv.ens-cachan.fr/~baudet/yapa/ ).

Active case. We have shown that, for arbitrary equational theories, verifying indistinguishability properties such as trace equivalence in security protocols amounts to deciding the equivalence of constraint systems, i.e., checking whether they have the same set of solutions [20] . When considering the equational theory corresponding to the standard primitives, Vincent Cheval has proposed a decision procedure for checking equivalence of set constraints, which yields a procedure for checking trace equivalence  [73] . We have extended this decision procedure to the case where the attacker can observe the length of messages [37] . This yields the discovery of a new attack on the biometric passport. This attack has been implemented and successfully tested on a small set of passports. This attack is explained in details in a webpage(http://www.loria.fr/ glondu/epassport/attack-lengths.html) and has obtained some press coverage.

Active case, unbounded number of sessions. Rémy Chrétien has started a PhD on deciding trace equivalence for an unbounded number of sessions. He has shown that for some classes of protocols, decidability of trace equivalence can be reduced to equivalence of deterministic pushdown automata [38] . Equivalence of deterministic pushdown automata is decidable  [81] and the corresponding decision procedure is currently implemented by Géraud Senizergues. Based on his tool, we are developing a tool for automatically checking equivalence, for an unbounded number of sessions.

Securely Composing Protocols

Participants : Véronique Cortier, Steve Kremer, Éric Le Morvan.

Protocols are often built in a modular way. For example, authentication protocols may assume pre-distributed keys or may assume secure channel. However, when an authentication protocol has been proved secure assuming pre-distributed keys, there is absolutely no guarantee that it remains secure when executing a real protocol for distributing the keys. How the security of these protocols can be combined is an important issue that is studied in the PhD thesis recently started by Éric Le Morvan.

A related problem arises when several protocols use the same secrets, e.g. the same keys. While each protocol may be proved secure in isolation, the protocols may become insecure when executed in parallel. In [21] we study whether password protocols can be safely composed, even when a same password is reused. It seems indeed unrealistic to suppose that users do not re-use the same password for different applications. More precisely, we present a transformation which maps a password protocol that is secure for a single protocol session (a decidable problem) to a protocol that is secure for an unbounded number of sessions. Our result provides an effective strategy to design secure password protocols: (i) design a protocol intended to be secure for one protocol session; (ii) apply our transformation and obtain a protocol which is secure for an unbounded number of sessions. Our technique also applies to compose different password protocols allowing us to obtain both inter-protocol and inter-session composition.

Soundness of the Dolev-Yao Model

Participants : Véronique Cortier, Guillaume Scerri.

All the previous results rely on symbolic models of protocol executions in which cryptographic primitives are abstracted by symbolic expressions. This approach enables significantly simple and often automated proofs. However, the guarantees that it offers have been quite unclear compared to cryptographic models that consider issues of complexity and probability. A somewhat recent line of research consists in identifying cases where it is possible to obtain the best of both cryptographic and formal worlds: fully automated proofs and strong, clear security guarantees.

A first approach consists in proving that symbolic models (as the ones studied on the previous sections) are actually sound w.r.t. cryptographic models, provided the primitives satisfy some (strong) security properties. Soundness result are usually established for some set of cryptographic primitives and extending the result to encompass new primitives typically requires redoing most of the work. In [35] , we propose a notion of computational soundness, amenable to modular extensions. Specifically, we prove that a deduction sound implementation of some arbitrary primitives can be extended to include all standard primitives (asymmetric ans symmetric encryption, public data-structures - e.g. pairings or list, signatures, MACs, and hashes) without repeating the original proof effort. Furthermore, our notion of soundness concerns cryptographic primitives in a way that is independent of any protocol specification language.

Such soundness results require however strong hypotheses on the implementation. For example, primitives must be tagged to avoid confusion between e.g. pairs and encryption. Gergei Bana and Hubert Comon have proposed a new framework  [67] where the symbolic model now specifies what an attacker cannot do instead of specifying what it can do. Checking protocols security can then be reduced to checking inconsistency of some set of first order formula. During his PhD, Guillaume Scerri studies how to develop a (polynomial) decision procedure for deciding consistency of sets of formulas, for some class of formulas corresponding to security protocols [39] .